Returns & Exchanges

Order Modifications & Discounts:

  • Once an order is placed, it cannot be modified or canceled.
  • Coupon codes must be applied during the time of purchase.
  • Limited time offers are valid only during their specified time period.

Delivery Details:

  • Items may be delivered in multiple packages.
  • Our products are shipped from various warehouses in the USA and China.

Return Conditions:

  • If you're not satisfied with the size or quality of your items, you can request a return within 14 days from the item's delivery date.
  • Returns are subject to our evaluation. Our Customer Service team is here to help you navigate this process.
  • After 14 days from product receipt, returns or exchanges are not accepted.

Starting a Return:

  • Start your return process by emailing
  • We do not offer free return shipping. The cost of this remains with the purchaser. 

Return Eligibility:

  • Items must be unused, in their original condition, and accompanied by the original packaging.
  • A receipt or proof of purchase is mandatory for processing your return.
  • Please refrain from sending your purchase directly to the manufacturer.


  • Store Credit: Upon receiving and inspecting your return, we'll notify you via email about the status. If approved, you'll receive a store credit, valid for 60 days, with no restocking fee.
  • Original Payment Method: If you prefer a refund to your original payment method, a 20% restocking fee will be deducted. However, if you opt for store credit instead, this fee is waived.

Sale Items & Shipping:

  • Only regular-priced items are eligible for returns. Sale items are final.
  • We do not provide free return shipping. Remember to include a tracking number for your return. Shipping costs are not refundable.

Thank you for shopping with us! We strive to ensure you have a smooth and pleasant experience.